Compound Summary

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植物ID 拉丁名 药用植物名 药名 来源 功能与主治 使用民族
TCMBANKHE002754 Pulvis Talci 滑石粉 Treatment of urinary infection, urolithiasis with difficult urination accompanied by burning pain, fidgetness and thirst caused by summer damp, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, external use for eczema, sores with marked exudation, miliaria./Treatment of urinary infection, urolithiasis with difficult urination accompanied by burning pain, fidgetness and thirst caused by summer damp, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, external use for eczema, sores with marked exudation, miliaria.
TCMBANKHE008418 Talcum 滑石 Treatment of urinary infection, urolithiasis with difficult urination accompanied by burning pain, fidgetness and thirst caused by summer damp, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, external use for eczema, sores with marked exudation, miliaria./Treatment of urinary infection, urolithiasis with difficult urination accompanied by burning pain, fidgetness and thirst caused by summer damp, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, external use for eczema, sores with marked exudation, miliaria.
TCMBANKHE006816 Pumex 海浮石 1. Treatment of phlegm-heat cough manifested as cough with yellow, sticky and thick sputum or sputum difficult to expectorate. Costazia bone (Haifushi) is used with Sea clam shell (Haigeke), Trichosanthes fruit (Gualou), Capejasmine (Zhizi) and Natural indigo (Qingdai). 2. Treatment of scrofula and goiter caused by phlegm and qi accumulation. Costazia bone (Haifushi) is used with Oyster shell (Muli), Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu), Scrophularia (Xuanshen) and Laminaria (Kunbu)./1. Treatment of phlegm-heat cough manifested as cough with yellow, sticky and thick sputum or sputum difficult to expectorate. Costazia bone (Haifushi) is used with Sea clam shell (Haigeke), Trichosanthes fruit (Gualou), Capejasmine (Zhizi) and Natural in
TCMBANKHE006817 Pumex 浮海石 1. To clear lung-heat and eliminate phlegm. For cough of phlegm-heat type with yellow and thick sputum, or chronic cough of lung-heat type with bloody sputum. 2. To soften and disperse the lumps. For subcutaneous nodule and scrofula. 3. To promote diuresis and relieve stranguria. For stranguria caused by urinary stone./1. To clear lung-heat and eliminate phlegm. For cough of phlegm-heat type with yellow and thick sputum, or chronic cough of lung-heat type with bloody sputum. 2. To soften and disperse the lumps. For subcutaneous nodule and scrofula. 3. To promote diuresi
TCMBANKHE008779 Terra Flava Usta 灶心土 1. To warm the middle-jiao to stop bleeding. 2. To warm the middle-jiao to stop vomiting. 3. Anti-diarrhea by astringing intestines./1. For hematemesis, hemafecia and metrorrhagia of asthenia-cold type. 2. For vomiting due to stomach-cold and morning sickness. 3. For chronic diarrhea due to asthenia of spleen.
TCMBANKHE003576/YNS-56/YEM-37/XU-122/XU-592 Herba Elephantopi scaberis|Elephantopus scaber L|Elephantopus scaber L.|Elephantopus scaber 地胆头|地胆草 地胆草 云南药材标准:第六册|云南民族药物志:第一卷|云南省普洱市景东县 疏风清热,化痰止咳,解毒利湿,消积。用于风热感冒,咽喉肿痛,咳嗽,赤白下利,水肿,黄疸,小儿疳积,疮疡肿毒。 阿昌族/傣族/德昂族/哈尼族/基诺族/景颇族/拉祜族/傈僳族/苗族/佤族/彝族

疾病ID 病名 疾病类型 MeSH 参考文献

靶点ID 基因名 基因别名 描述