Natrii Sulfas1 |
玄明;芒硝 |
Treatment of constipation with retention of dry feces and abdominal pain caused by excessive heat.External use of Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus: Sore throat, ulcers of the mouth and tongue, swelling and pain of the gums, conjuctivitis, carbuncles, erysipelas.;Treament of constipation with retention of dry feces and abdominal pain caused by excessive heat , appendicitis. External use of Natrii Sulfas: Mastitis, painful swollen hemorrhoids./Treatment of constipation with retention of dry feces and abdominal pain caused by excessive heat.External use of Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus: Sore throat, ulcers of the mouth and tongue, swelling and pain of the gums, conjuctivitis, carbuncles, erysipelas.;It contain mainly Na2SO4.10 H2O which is a potent purgative. |