Radix Arnebiae seu Lithospermi |
紫草 |
1. To cool blood and invigorate blood; 2. To release toxins and bring the rash to the surface; 3. To promote bowel movement and moisten the intestines/Macula, measles papules, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, purpura, jaundice, welling abscess and flat abscess, scalds. |
Arnebia guttata |
加紫草;假紫草;内蒙紫草 |
See Lithospermum erythrorhizon ./See Lithospermum erythrorhizon . |
Arnebia euchroma |
新藏假紫草 |
See Lithospermum erythrorhizon ./See Lithospermum erythrorhizon . |
Lithospermum officinale |
白果紫草 |
To resolve toxin and disperse swelling./Arthritis. |
土荆皮 |
Scab and lichen, eczema, neurodermatitis . |
TCMBANKHE005160/YNS-66/YEM-36/XU-130 |
Onosma paniculatum|Onosma paniculatum Bur. et Franch |
滇紫草 |
滇紫草根|滇紫草 |
云南药材标准:第六册|云南民族药物志:第一卷|云南省玉溪市江川区江城镇 |
清热解毒,凉血透疹,通便。用于麻疹不透,黄疸,便秘,斑疹,丹毒,热疹出血,疮疡,湿疹,水火烫伤。|To clear heat, resolve toxin, cool blood, quicken blood./Measles papules, pneumonia, febrile diseases macular eruption, ulcerating sores, eczema, scalds. |
白族/傈僳族/彝族/藏族 |
TCMBANKHE007468/YEM-639/XU-540 |
Ailanthus altissima|Ailanthus altissima(Mill.)Swingle |
樗白皮|臭椿 |
臭椿 |
云南民族药物志:第四卷|云南省大理州下关 |
To eliminate heat and dry damp, astringe intestines and stanch bleeding, kill worms./Chronic dysentery, chronic diarrhea, duodenal ulcer, intestinal wind bleeding, flooding and spotting, vaginal discharge, emission, white turbidity, ascariasis. |
瑶族/彝族 |
TCMBANKHE005416/YEM-639/XU-540 |
Cortex Toonae Sinensis|Ailanthus altissima(Mill.)Swingle|Ailanthus altissima |
椿根皮,椿皮|臭椿 |
臭椿 |
云南民族药物志:第四卷|云南省大理州下关 |
Treatment of morbid leukorrhea, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding, to remove damp-heat and arrest discharges./Treatment of morbid leukorrhea, diarrhea caused by damp-heat, chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery, hematochezia, abnormal uterine bleeding. |
瑶族/彝族 |