Gentiana scabra var. buesgeri |
龙胆 |
Acute icterohepatitis, urinary tract infection, acute conjunctivitis, dribbling pain of urination, damp-heat jaundice, genital swelling and itch, damp-heat vaginal discharge, distended head and headache due to liver-gallbladder repletion fire, red eyes with gall, deafness, swelling in ear, pain in rib-side, bitter taste, fright wind and convulsion. |
Radix Gentiae macrophyllae |
秦艽 |
To relieve rheumatic conditions, and to remove damp-heat./Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, aching pain in joints, late afternoon tidal fever, child gan accumulation with fever. |
Radix Gentiae macrophyllae |
秦艽 |
To relieve rheumatic conditions, and to remove damp-heat./Wind-damp impediment pain, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels, aching pain in joints, late afternoon tidal fever, child gan accumulation with fever. |
TCMBANKHE004801/YEM-339 |
Herba Verbae|Verbena officinalis L. |
马鞭草 |
马鞭草 |
云南民族药物志:第二卷 |
To promote the flow of blood and to relieve blood stasis, to stop malarial attacks, to counteract toxicity, and to cause diuresis./Malaria, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, throat impediment, edema, heat strangury, diphtheria, bilharziosis, dysentery, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering. |
白族/布朗族/傣族/德昂族/哈尼族/基诺族/景颇族/拉祜族/傈僳族/苗族/纳西族/普米族/佤族/彝族/藏族/壮族 |