TCMBANKHE004885/YNS-70 |
Cynanchum wallichii|Cynanchum wallichii Wight |
断节参 |
断节参 |
云南药材标准:第一册 |
风湿麻木、筋骨疼痛、跌打损伤、创伤流血|To supplement kidney and strengthen lumbus, strengthen sinews and bones, resolve toxin./Kidney vacuity lumbago, inability of legs and knees, knocks and falls, fracture, rabid dog bite. |
TCMBANKHE008968/YNS-197/YEM-133 |
Cynanchum otophyllum|Cynanchum otophyllum Schneid. |
青羊参|青阳参 |
青阳参 |
云南药材标准:第四册|云南民族药物志:第一卷 |
强筋健骨,健脾和胃,驱风解痉。用于腰膝痠软,筋骨疼痛, 食欲不振,癫痫,小儿惊风|To dispel wind-damp, boost kidney and fortify spleen, resolve snake toxin, resolve dog toxin./Wind-damp impediment pain, kidney vacuity lumbago, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, wrenching and contusion from knocks and falls, food accumulation, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, child gan accumulation, snake bite, dog bite. |
白族/纳西族/彝族 |