Compound Summary

  Compound Information


Pterosin S


CHEMBL1864404; HMS2205M21; pterosin s; MLS002473105; 56227-00-0; SMR001397207













植物ID 拉丁名 药用植物名 药名 来源 功能与主治 使用民族
TCMBANKHE008626 Cortex Lycii Radicis 地骨皮 To reduce heat in blood, to relieve consumptive fever, and to remove heat from the lung./1. Its decoction, infusion, tincture and injection exert a hypotensive effect on anesthetized or unanesthetized animals.2. Antipyretic. Reducing vaccine-induced fever in rabbits.3. Its extract lowers serum cholesterol level in rabbits,4. Its decoction reduces blood sugar level in rabbits5. An active component, betaine, possesses a lipocaic effect.
TCMBANKHE004773 Herba Pteridis multifidae 凤尾草 1. To clear heat and toxic material. 2. To cool the blood and stop bleeding./Dysentery, diarrhea, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, jaundice, swelling toxin of clove sore, throat impediment with nipple moth, scrofula, parotitis, mastitis, ardent fever and convulsion, snake or insect bites, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding due to external injury.
TCMBANKHE007697 Pteris cretica 大叶井口边草
TCMBANKHE006525/YEM-1021 Pteris cretica var. nervosa [Syn. Pteris nervosa ]|Pteris nervosa Thunb. 凤尾蕨 凤尾草 云南民族药物志:第五卷 To clear heat and disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding and engender flesh, resolve toxin and disperse swelling./Diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, strangury syndrome, edema, coughing of blood, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding knife wound, painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore and welling abscess, burns and scalds. 傣族/傈僳族

疾病ID 病名 疾病类型 MeSH 参考文献

靶点ID 基因名 基因别名 描述
TCMBANKGE000181 PIM1 PIM Pim-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
TCMBANKGE000201 ESR1 ER; ESR; ESRA; ESTRR; Era; NR3A1 estrogen receptor 1
TCMBANKGE000205 NOS2 HEP-NOS; INOS; NOS; NOS2A nitric oxide synthase 2
TCMBANKGE000221 GRIA2 GLUR2; GLURB; GluA2; GluR-K2; HBGR2; gluR-2; gluR-B glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 2
TCMBANKGE000309 SCN5A CDCD2; CMD1E; CMPD2; HB1; HB2; HBBD; HH1; ICCD; IVF; LQT3; Nav1.5; PFHB1; SSS1; VF1 sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5
TCMBANKGE000360 CCNA2 CCN1; CCNA cyclin A2
TCMBANKGE000633 ADRB2 ADRB2R; ADRBR; B2AR; BAR; BETA2AR adrenoceptor beta 2
TCMBANKGE000766 ACHE ACEE; ARACHE; N-ACHE; YT acetylcholinesterase (Cartwright blood group)
TCMBANKGE000813 DPP4 ADABP; ADCP2; CD26; DPPIV; TP103 dipeptidyl peptidase 4
TCMBANKGE000903 PTGS1 COX1; COX3; PCOX1; PES-1; PGG/HS; PGHS-1; PGHS1; PHS1; PTGHS prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1
TCMBANKGE000938 CDK2 CDKN2; p33(CDK2) cyclin dependent kinase 2
TCMBANKGE001073 PTGS2 COX-2; COX2; GRIPGHS; PGG/HS; PGHS-2; PHS-2; hCox-2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2
TCMBANKGE004266 AR AIS; AR8; DHTR; HUMARA; HYSP1; KD; NR3C4; SBMA; SMAX1; TFM androgen receptor
TCMBANKGE006339 CA2 CA-II; CAC; CAII; Car2; HEL-76; HEL-S-282 carbonic anhydrase 2
TCMBANKGE011079 PRSS1 TRP1; TRY1; TRY4; TRYP1 serine protease 1
TCMBANKGE014941 DPEP1 MBD1; MDP; RDP dipeptidase 1