Paeonia lactiflora wild |
To clear heat and cool blood, quicken blood and dispel stasis./Warm toxin macular eruption, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, intestinal wind bleeding, red eyes with gall, swollen welling abscess and sores, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, flooding and vaginal discharge with strangury-turbidity, pain in rib-side due to stagnation, mounting-conglomeration accumulation-gathering, knocks and falls. |
Rhizoma Typhonii |
白附子 |
To dispel wind-phlegm, to check convulsions, and to counteract toxicity, promote subsidence of modulation and relieve pain./Treatment of stroke with gurgling in the throat, deviation of the eye and the mouth, and impairment of speech, upward invasion of phlegm causing headache accompanied with dizziness, heaviness of the body, restlessness, fidgetness, nausea and cold extremit |
Radix Ampelopsis |
白蔹 |
To remove toxic heat, to cure carbuncles, and to reduce nodules./Swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, burns and scalds, scrofula, damp sore, warm malaria, frightepilepsy, blood dysentery, intestinal wind, hemorrhoids and fistulas, leukorrhea, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury. |
Fructus Corni |
山茱萸 |
To replenish the liver and kidney, restrain seminal discharge and relieve collapse./Dizziness and tinnitus, aching in lumbus and knees, impotence and emission, enuresis and frequent urination, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge, vacuity and profuse sweating, vacuity desertion due to great sweating, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, dysmenorrhea. |
Radix Paeoniae Alba |
白芍 |
1. To nourish blood and consolidate the yin; 2. To pacify the liver and stop pain; 3. To soothe liver yang/Headache and dizziness, pain in rib-side, abdominal pain, spasm in limbs, anemia with yellow complexion, menstrual disorder, profuse menstruation, spontaneous sweating, night sweating. |
Semen Juglandis |
核桃仁 |
To tonify the kidney, to warm the lung, and to relax the bowels./It contains about 50% of fatty oil, exerting antitussive effect. |
Radix Paeoniae Rubra; Lignum Paeoniae Rubra |
赤芍 |
To remove heat from blood, to eliminate blood stasis, and to relieve pain./1. Paeoniflorin, one of its active components, has a strong antispastic effect and also analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsive, antibacterial and anti-imflammatory effects. 2. Dilating blood vessels, increasing coronary flow and improving myocardial oxygen supply. 3. Inhibiting platelets aggregation. |
白毛藤 |
Malaria, jaundice, edema, strangury, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, erysipelas, clove sore. |
Semen Ginkgo |
白果 |
1. To strengthen lung qi and soothe asthma; 2. To relieve leukorrhea/AD syndrome, primary degenerative dementia of Alzheimer disease, multi-infarct dementia, improving cognitive function in elderly dementia patients, stable intermittent claudication, cerebrovascular insufficiency diseases, cough with profuse phlegm, vaginal discharge, enuresis and frequent urination. |
Nuphar variegatum |
斑叶萍蓬草 |
Flos Rhododendri Mollis |
闹羊花 |
To relieve rheumatic conditions, and to eliminate blood stasis and alleviate pain./Tachycardia, palpitation, hypertension, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, intractable lichen. |
Semen Ginkgo |
白果 |
1. To strengthen lung qi and soothe asthma; 2. To relieve leukorrhea/AD syndrome, primary degenerative dementia of Alzheimer disease, multi-infarct dementia, improving cognitive function in elderly dementia patients, stable intermittent claudication, cerebrovascular insufficiency diseases, cough with profuse phlegm, vaginal discharge, enuresis and frequent urination. |
Rubus alceaefolius |
粗叶悬钩子 |
To clear heat and disinhibit damp, stanch bleeding, dispel stasis./Hepatitis, dysentery, enteritis, mastitis, stomatitis, march hematoglobinuria, bleeding due to external injury, liver spleen enlargement, knocks and falls, wind-damp bone pain. |
Radix Paeoniae Alba |
白芍 |
1. To nourish blood and consolidate the yin; 2. To pacify the liver and stop pain; 3. To soothe liver yang/Headache and dizziness, pain in rib-side, abdominal pain, spasm in limbs, anemia with yellow complexion, menstrual disorder, profuse menstruation, spontaneous sweating, night sweating. |
TCMBANKHE004261/YNS-302/YEM-404/XU-755 |
Phyllanthus emblica|Phyllanthus emblica L. |
庵摩勒|余甘子 |
余甘子树皮|滇橄榄 |
云南药材标准:第三册|云南民族药物志:第二卷|广东省廉江市石岭镇 |
解毒消肿,收敛止血,杀菌去腐,用于痈肿,疳疔疮毒,阴囊湿疹,外伤出血,跌打损伤,蛇虫叮咬。|To relieve cough and transform phlegm, engender liquid and allay thirst, resolve toxin./Common cold with fever, cough, throat pain, diphtheria, enteritis, diarrhea, eczema, heat vexation and thirst. |
阿昌族/白族/布朗族/傣族/哈尼族/基诺族/拉祜族/傈僳族/纳西族/普米族/佤族/瑶族/彝族/藏族/壮族 |
TCMBANKHE005888/YNS-302/YEM-404/XU-755 |
Phyllanthus emblica|Phyllanthus emblica L. |
油柑叶|余甘子 |
余甘子树皮|滇橄榄 |
云南药材标准:第三册|云南民族药物志:第二卷|广东省廉江市石岭镇 |
解毒消肿,收敛止血,杀菌去腐,用于痈肿,疳疔疮毒,阴囊湿疹,外伤出血,跌打损伤,蛇虫叮咬。|To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit damp and disperse swelling./Mouth sore, clove sore, eczema, dermatitis, edema, hypertension, poisonous snake bite, knocks and falls. |
阿昌族/白族/布朗族/傣族/哈尼族/基诺族/拉祜族/傈僳族/纳西族/普米族/佤族/瑶族/彝族/藏族/壮族 |
TCMBANKHE008816/YEM-60/XU-35 |
Juglans regia|Juglans regia L. |
胡桃树皮|胡桃|核桃树根 |
核桃 |
云南民族药物志:第一卷|云南省楚雄彝族自治州永仁县永仁古镇农贸市场 |
To astringe intestines and check diarrhea, resolve toxin, relieve itch./Diarrhea, dysentery, leprosy, scrotal wind, itchy skin. |
阿昌族/傣族/德昂族/哈尼族/景颇族/傈僳族/彝族/藏族 |