Citrus limon |
柠檬叶 |
To relieve cough and transform phlegm, rectify qi and harmonize stomach, check diarrhea./Cough and asthma, abdominal distention, 12847, 15655, 15882. diarrhea. |
Tadehagi triquetrum |
葫芦茶 |
To clear heat and resolve toxin, disperse accumulation and disinhibit damp, kill worms./Common cold with fever, swelling pain in throat, nephritis, icterohepatitis, enteritis, bacillary dysentery, vomiting in pregnancy, ancylostomiasis. |
大花金鸡菊 |
TCMBANKHE006527/YNS-120/YEM-366/XU-88 |
Cornus capitata [Syn. Dendrobenthamia capitata ]|Cornus capitata Wall.|Dendrobenthamia capitata (Wal1.) Hutch.|Cornus capitata |
鸡嗉子|头状四照花 |
鸡嗉子叶|鸡嗉子 |
云南药材标准:第四册|云南民族药物志:第二卷|云南省昆明市盘龙区 |
淸热利湿,止咳消积。用于肺热咳嗽,胁痛黄疸,小儿疳积, 食积虫积,痢疾;稻田皮疹|To disperse accumulation and kill worms, clear heat and resolve t oxin, disinhibit water and disperse edema./Hepatitis, food accumulation, lung heat cough, ascaria sis, edema. |
拉丁名/傈僳族/彝族 |
TCMBANKHE004261/YNS-302/YEM-404/XU-755 |
Phyllanthus emblica|Phyllanthus emblica L. |
庵摩勒|余甘子 |
余甘子树皮|滇橄榄 |
云南药材标准:第三册|云南民族药物志:第二卷|广东省廉江市石岭镇 |
解毒消肿,收敛止血,杀菌去腐,用于痈肿,疳疔疮毒,阴囊湿疹,外伤出血,跌打损伤,蛇虫叮咬。|To relieve cough and transform phlegm, engender liquid and allay thirst, resolve toxin./Common cold with fever, cough, throat pain, diphtheria, enteritis, diarrhea, eczema, heat vexation and thirst. |
阿昌族/白族/布朗族/傣族/哈尼族/基诺族/拉祜族/傈僳族/纳西族/普米族/佤族/瑶族/彝族/藏族/壮族 |
TCMBANKHE004276/YEM-974 |
Citrus sinensis|Citrus sinensis(L.)Osbeck |
甜橙 |
黄果树 |
云南民族药物志:第五卷 |
To move qi, precipitate qi, relieve pain, disperse distention, free milk./Galactostasis. |
布依族/水族/佤族/彝族/壮族 |