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(?)-zuonin a



















植物ID 拉丁名 药用植物名 药名 来源 功能与主治 使用民族
TCMBANKHE002934 Machilus japonica
TCMBANKHE003944 Lycoris squamigera 鹿葱 To resolve toxin, dispel phlegm, disinhibit urine, promote vomiting./Swelling pain in throat, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, scrofula, cough of phlegm asthma, edema, inhibited urination, food poisoning.
TCMBANKHE004773 Herba Pteridis multifidae 凤尾草 1. To clear heat and toxic material. 2. To cool the blood and stop bleeding./Dysentery, diarrhea, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, jaundice, swelling toxin of clove sore, throat impediment with nipple moth, scrofula, parotitis, mastitis, ardent fever and convulsion, snake or insect bites, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, bleeding due to external injury.
TCMBANKHE006947 Aristolochia triangularis 三角马兜铃 See Aristolochia debilis./See Aristolochia debilis.
TCMBANKHE005168 辛夷 Wind-cold common cold, headache, nasal congestion and runny nose, nasitis, nasosinusitis.
TCMBANKHE005412 Magnolia denudata [Syn. Magnolia heptapata] 玉兰 See Magnolia liliflora./See Magnolia liliflora.
TCMBANKHE005437 Leucojum vernum 雪片莲
TCMBANKHE005559 Narcissus papyraceus 白水仙
TCMBANKHE006932 Caulis Piperis Kadsurae;Caulis Piperis futokadsurae 海风藤 To relieve rheumatic conditions./Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching sinews in limb joints, hypertonicity of sinews and vessels.
TCMBANKHE007004 Semen Myristicae 肉豆蔻 To warm the spleen and stomach and promote the flow of qi , to arrest diarrhea as an astringent./Spleen-stomach vacuity cold, incessant chronic diarrhea, distending pain in stomach duct, reduced food intake with vomiting.
TCMBANKHE007372 Galanthus nivalis 雪花莲
TCMBANKHE008866 夏雪片莲
TCMBANKHE006845/YNS-144/YEM-710 Lycoris radiata [Syn. Amaryllis radiata]|Lycoris radiata (L'Her.) Herb|Lycoris radiata(L‘Her.)Herb. 石蒜 老鸦蒜|石蒜 云南药材标准:第六册|云南民族药物志:第四卷 祛痰催吐,解毒消肿,活血散结,杀虫。用于食物中毒,咽喉肿痛,痰涎壅塞,痰核,瘰疬,痈疽肿毒。|To dispel phlegm and promote vomiting, resolve toxin and dissipate binds./Poliomyelitis, muscle weakness, rheumatic arthritis, pain in joints due to rheumatalgia, throat wind, nipple moth, swelling pain in throat, phlegm-drool and congesting lung, food poisoning, seeper in chest and abdomen, malign sore and swelling toxin, hemorrhoids and fistulas, knocks and falls, intractable lichen, burns and scalds, snake bite. 水族/彝族
TCMBANKHE004131/YEM-712 Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis|Narcissus tazetta L.var.chinensis Roem 水仙根|水仙 水仙 云南民族药物志:第四卷 To clear heat and resolve toxin, dissipate stasis and disperse swelling./Swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, insect bites, fish bone stuck in throat. 阿昌族/傣族/德昂族/景颇族/傈僳族

疾病ID 病名 疾病类型 MeSH 参考文献

靶点ID 基因名 基因别名 描述
TCMBANKGE000121 KCNH2 ERG-1; ERG1; H-ERG; HERG; HERG1; Kv11.1; LQT2; SQT1 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 2
TCMBANKGE000181 PIM1 PIM Pim-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase
TCMBANKGE000201 ESR1 ER; ESR; ESRA; ESTRR; Era; NR3A1 estrogen receptor 1
TCMBANKGE000205 NOS2 HEP-NOS; INOS; NOS; NOS2A nitric oxide synthase 2
TCMBANKGE000286 GSK3B - glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta
TCMBANKGE000309 SCN5A CDCD2; CMD1E; CMPD2; HB1; HB2; HBBD; HH1; ICCD; IVF; LQT3; Nav1.5; PFHB1; SSS1; VF1 sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5
TCMBANKGE000478 CHEK1 CHK1 checkpoint kinase 1
TCMBANKGE000633 ADRB2 ADRB2R; ADRBR; B2AR; BAR; BETA2AR adrenoceptor beta 2
TCMBANKGE000701 ESR2 ER-BETA; ESR-BETA; ESRB; ESTRB; Erb; NR3A2; ODG8 estrogen receptor 2
TCMBANKGE000766 ACHE ACEE; ARACHE; N-ACHE; YT acetylcholinesterase (Cartwright blood group)
TCMBANKGE000813 DPP4 ADABP; ADCP2; CD26; DPPIV; TP103 dipeptidyl peptidase 4
TCMBANKGE000938 CDK2 CDKN2; p33(CDK2) cyclin dependent kinase 2
TCMBANKGE001073 PTGS2 COX-2; COX2; GRIPGHS; PGG/HS; PGHS-2; PHS-2; hCox-2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2
TCMBANKGE001185 PPARG CIMT1; GLM1; NR1C3; PPARG1; PPARG2; PPARG5; PPARgamma peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma
TCMBANKGE001202 MAPK14 CSBP; CSBP1; CSBP2; CSPB1; EXIP; Mxi2; PRKM14; PRKM15; RK; SAPK2A; p38; p38ALPHA mitogen-activated protein kinase 14
TCMBANKGE004266 AR AIS; AR8; DHTR; HUMARA; HYSP1; KD; NR3C4; SBMA; SMAX1; TFM androgen receptor
TCMBANKGE008921 RXRA NR2B1 retinoid X receptor alpha
TCMBANKGE011079 PRSS1 TRP1; TRY1; TRY4; TRYP1 serine protease 1