TCMBANKHE008679/YNS-147/YEM-107/XU-49 |
Ajuga forrestii|Ajuga forrestii Dies|Ajuga forrestii Diels |
痢止蒿 |
痢止蒿 |
云南药材标准:第六册|云南民族药物志:第一卷|云南省丽江市玉龙纳西族自治县白沙乡玉水寨丽江高山植物园 |
清热解毒,利湿通淋,散淤止痛,杀虫。用于肺热咳嗽,咽喉肿痛,牙痛,湿热痢疾,黄疸,热淋,水肿,乳痈,脱疽,痈疮疖肿,跌打损伤,蛔虫症。|To clear heat and resolve toxin, disinhibit water and free strangury, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, expel worms./Lung heat cough, swelling pain in throat, dysentery, jaundice, heat strangury, edema, mastitis, angiitis, swollen sore of welling abscess and boil, knocks and falls, bleeding due to external injury, ascariasis. |
白族/傈僳族/藏族 |