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植物ID 拉丁名 药用植物名 药名 来源 功能与主治 使用民族
TCMBANKHE001079 川槿皮
TCMBANKHE001571 Caulis Clematidis Armandii 川木通 To remove heat and induce diuresis, to stimulate menstrual discharge, and promote lactation./Treatment of edema, stranguria oliguria, arthralgia, amenorrhea, lack of lactation.
TCMBANKHE001634 Fructus Choerospondiatis 广枣 To promote the flow of qi and blood, to replenish the heart and allay excitement./Treatment of stagnation of qi and blood with pectoral pain, palpitation and shortness of breath, uneasiness in mind.
TCMBANKHE002337 龙脷叶
TCMBANKHE002623 铁线透骨草
TCMBANKHE003736 银杏叶
TCMBANKHE004013 Acanthus ilicifolius 老鼠簕 To clear heat and resolve toxin, transform phlegm and disinhibit damp, dissipate stasis and relieve pain./Mumps, scrofula, liver spleen enlargement, stomachache, taxation damage in lumbar muscle, phlegm-heat cough asthma, jaundice, white turbidity, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis.
TCMBANKHE004586 香茅 Common cold with headache, diarrhea, wind-cold impediment pain, cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, knocks and falls.
TCMBANKHE006505 Semen Lablab Album 白扁豆 To invigorate the spleen and remove damp, paticularly the summer damp.Semen Lablab Album (stir-fried) To invigorate the spleen and remove damp./Treatment of weakness of the spleen and stomach with loss of appetite and loose bowels, excessive leukorrhea, vomiting, diarrhea, distress in the chest and distension in the abdomen caused by summer-damp.Semen Lablab Album (stir-fried) Diarrhea and excess
TCMBANKHE004892 Firmiana simplex 梧桐白皮 To lower cholesterol, clear heat and calm liver, dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain./Hyperlipemia, hypertension, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, menstrual disorder, hemorrhoids, erysipelas.
TCMBANKHE004973 Herba Ephedrae 麻黄 To induce perspiration for dispelling cold, to relieve asthma, and to cause diuresis./Wind-cold exterior repletion syndrome, headache without sweating, headache and generalized pain, cough, fever, fever and aversion to wind, absence of sweating, congesting lung, non-diffusion of lung qi, cough and asthma, bronchial asthma, wind water edema, nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis, inhibited urination, wind-damp impediment pain, muscle numbness, wind papule itching, yin flat abscess and phlegm node.
TCMBANKHE005027 苦楝皮 Ascariasis, oxyuria disease, abdominal pain due to worm accumulation, scab and lichen with itching.
TCMBANKHE005221 Semen Ginkgo 白果 1. To strengthen lung qi and soothe asthma; 2. To relieve leukorrhea/AD syndrome, primary degenerative dementia of Alzheimer disease, multi-infarct dementia, improving cognitive function in elderly dementia patients, stable intermittent claudication, cerebrovascular insufficiency diseases, cough with profuse phlegm, vaginal discharge, enuresis and frequent urination.
TCMBANKHE005252 枳椇子 Drunkenness, vexation and thirst, vomiting, inhibited urine and stool.
TCMBANKHE005269 Flos Chrysanthemi Indici 野菊花 To remove toxic heat./Hypertension, headache and dizziness, insomnia, common cold, influenza, meningitis, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, red eyes with gall.
TCMBANKHE005773 Herba Lycopodii 伸筋草 To relieve rheumatic conditions and muscular contracture./Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching pain in joints, arthritis, dysmenorrhea, skin numbness, weakness in limbs, jaundice, cough, knocks and falls, sores, zoster, scalds.
TCMBANKHE008294 泽漆 Edema and qi fullness, phlegm-rheum cough asthma, malaria, bacillary dysentery, scrofula, tuberculous fistula, medullitis.
TCMBANKHE006914 Ramulus Euonymi 鬼箭羽 For activating blood and modulating period/Concretion and conglomeration, pain in heart and abdomen, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, retention of lochia, mounting qi , joint running impediment pain, swelling of sores, painful wound from knocks and falls, burns and scalds, poisonous snake bite.
TCMBANKHE008354 Semen Ginkgo 白果 1. To strengthen lung qi and soothe asthma; 2. To relieve leukorrhea/AD syndrome, primary degenerative dementia of Alzheimer disease, multi-infarct dementia, improving cognitive function in elderly dementia patients, stable intermittent claudication, cerebrovascular insufficiency diseases, cough with profuse phlegm, vaginal discharge, enuresis and frequent urination.
TCMBANKHE008697 Caulis Aristolochiae seu Clematis 木通 1. To promote water metabolism and relieve abnormal urination; 2. To clear heat and promote lactation/Acute urethritis, short voidings of reddish urine, strangury-turbidity, edema, nephritis with edema, galactostasis, heat vexation in chest, throat pain, mouth sore, tongue sores, wind-damp impediment pain, galactostasis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.
TCMBANKHE007617 Wikstroemia chamaedaphne 河蒴荛花 To drain precipitation and expel water, reduce phlegm./Edema, distention fullness in stomach duct, phlegm-rheum, cough and counterflow with asthma and fullness, infective hepatitis, shcizophrenia, epilepsy.
TCMBANKHE008839 Pleurospermum lindleyanum 天山棱子芹
TCMBANKHE008252 Artemisia roxbugiana 灰苞蒿
TCMBANKHE008642 Murraya paniculata [Syn. Chalcas paniculata] 九里香 To move qi and quicken blood, dissipate stasis and relieve pain, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, anesthetize and settle pain./Pain in stomach duct, wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls, sore and welling abscess, snake or insect bites, local anesthesia.
TCMBANKHE008279 山楂叶 Hypertension, lacquer sore, enduring sores.
TCMBANKHE008834 Radix seu Rhizoma rdostachyos 甘松 To regulate the flow of qi and relieve pain, and to invigorate the spleen function./Stomachache, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, headache, hysteria, beriberi.
TCMBANKHE004534/XU-848 Equisetum arvense 问荆 云南省红河州屏边县 To stanch bleeding, disinhibit urine, brighten eyes./Spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hemoptysis, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, bleeding due to external injury, red eyes and eye screen.
TCMBANKHE004972/YEM-306/XU-351 Caesalpinia sappan|Caesalpinia sappan L. 苏木 苏木 云南民族药物志:第二卷|云南省昭通市盐津县 To quicken blood and dispel stasis, disperse swelling and relieve pain./Amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis, stabbing pain in chest and abdomen, swelling pain due to external injury. 阿昌族/傣族/德昂族/哈尼族/基诺族/景颇族/傈僳族/瑶族/彝族/藏族/壮族
TCMBANKHE004639/YEM-383 Hibiscus syriacus|Hibiscus syriacus L. 木槿皮|木槿 木槿花 云南民族药物志:第二卷 To clear heat and disinhibit damp, kill worms and relieve itch./Damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, intestinal wind bleeding, prolapse of rectum, hemorrhoids, red and white vaginal discharge, trichomoniasis, scab and lichen, scrotal eczema. 傣族/哈尼族/傈僳族
TCMBANKHE007452/YEM-483/XU-365 Adenanthera pavonina|Adenanthera pavonina L.var. microsperma( Binnend.) Nielsen|Adenanthera pavonina var. microsperma 海红豆 海红豆 云南民族药物志:第三卷|海南省三亚市 To course wind and clear heat, dry damp and resolve itch, moisten skin./Wandering wind of head and face. 傣族
TCMBANKHE006206/YEM-634/XU-644 Ricinus communis|Ricinus communis L. 蓖麻根|蓖麻 蓖麻 云南民族药物志:第四卷|云南省昆明市呈贡区 To dispel wind and resolve tetany, quicken blood and disperse swelling./Tetanus, epilepsy, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, swollen welling abscess and scrofula, prolapse of rectum, prolapse of uterus. 阿昌族/布依族/傣族/德昂族/回族/哈尼族/景颇族/傈僳族/苗族/佤族/瑶族/彝族/藏族/壮族
TCMBANKHE003926/YEM-709 Herba Lycopodii;Lycopodium japonium;Common Clubmoss Herb|Lycopodium japonicum Thunb.ex hwvzay 伸筋草|石松 石松 云南民族药物志:第四卷 To relieve rheumatic conditions and muscular contracture.;Treatment of arthralgia with limited mobility of the joints./Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching pain in joints, arthritis, dysmenorrhea, skin numbness, weakness in limbs, jaundice, cough, knocks and falls, sores, zoster, scalds.;Treatment of arthralgia with limited mobility of the joints. 布依族/傣族/基诺族/傈僳族/苗族/彝族
TCMBANKHE005377/YEM-788 Herba Eupatorii|Eupatorium fortunei Turcz. 佩兰 水泽兰 云南民族药物志:第四卷 To resolve damp, invigorate the function of the spleen and improve appetite by its spicy fragrance, and to expel summer heat from the body surface./Nausea and vomiting, bad breath, drooling, distended head and oppression in chest, sweet-greasy in mouth, summerheat-damp exterior syndrome. 阿昌族/傣族/德昂族/哈尼族/基诺族/景颇族/拉祜族/傈僳族/苗族/彝族

疾病ID 病名 疾病类型 MeSH 参考文献

靶点ID 基因名 基因别名 描述
TCMBANKGE000168 NR3C1 GCCR; GCR; GCRST; GR; GRL nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 1
TCMBANKGE004266 AR AIS; AR8; DHTR; HUMARA; HYSP1; KD; NR3C4; SBMA; SMAX1; TFM androgen receptor