白花甘西鼠尾草 |
北刘寄奴 |
Caulis Clematidis Armandii |
川木通 |
To remove heat and induce diuresis, to stimulate menstrual discharge, and promote lactation./Treatment of edema, stranguria oliguria, arthralgia, amenorrhea, lack of lactation. |
蕨麻草 |
草本威灵仙 |
Radix Astragali |
黄芪 |
To reinoforce qi and invigorate the function of the spleen./Common cold, influenza, chronic wound ulcer, chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus due to internal heat, qi vacuity edema, chronic gastritis, qi vacuity and hypodynamia, reduced food intake and sloppy stool, center qi fall, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of rectum, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, spontaneous sweating due to exterior vacuity. |
Radix Salviae liguliobae |
丹参 |
To remove blood stasis and relieve pain, to promote the flow of blood and stimulate menstrual discharge, and to ease the mind./Angina pectoris, cerebral atherosclerosis, diffusive intravascular clotting, thrombophlebitis, hepatitis, acute surgical infection, mastitis, erysipelas, otitis media, tonsillitis, bone marrow infection, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, pain in heart and abdomen, concretion conglomeration accumulation and gathering, heat impediment swelling and pain, knocks and falls, heat entering construction-blood, vexation and agitation, insomnia and vexation, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, zoster, neurodermatitis, psoriasis. |
Rhizoma Cimicifugae |
升麻 |
To induce perspiration and promote eruption, to remove toxic heat, and to cure drooping and ptosis./Prevention of ptosis, women’s hormone dysfunction diseases, seasonal epidemic fire toxin, mouth sore, sore pharynx, macula, cold-heat headache, swelling toxin of welling abscess and sore, center qi fall, spleen vacuity diarrhea, chronic dysentery, vaginal discharge, flooding. |
Cimicifuga acerina |
三面刀 |
To clear heat and resolve toxin, course wind and outthrust papules, quicken blood and relieve pain, lower blood pressure./Sore pharynx, swollen boil, non-eruption of macula, taxation damage, pain in lumbus and legs, knocks and falls, hypertension. |
Cimicifuga dahurica |
兴安升麻 |
See Cimicifuga foetida ./See Cimicifuga foetida. |
Hypericum curvisepalum |
贯叶金丝桃 |
Vaccinium vitis-idaea |
越橘叶 |
To disinhibit urine, resolve toxin./Strangury syndrome, pain wind. |
Radix Oryzae Glutinosae |
糯稻根 |
To stop cold sweat and lower asthenic fever. |
Cimicifuga heracleifolia |
大三叶升麻 |
See Cimicifuga foetida./See Cimicifuga foetida. |
Beesia calthaefolia |
铁破锣 |
To clear heat, resolve toxin, dispel wind./Wind-heat common cold, wind-damp bone pain, throat pain, red eyes with gall, sore and boil, poisonous snake bites. |
Herba Capsellae |
荠菜 |
1. Cool the blood and stop bleeding. 2. Clear away heat and promote diuresis. 3. Lower blood pressure./Blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hemoptysis, hematuria, flooding and spotting, red eyes with gall, eyeground hemorrhage, hypertension, red and white dysentery, nephritis with edema, chyluria. |
Fructus Citri sarcodactylis |
佛手 |
To regulate the qi of the liver and stomach, and relieve pain./Stomachache, distention in rib-side, vomiting, dysphagia-occlusion, phlegm-rheum cough asthma. |
Herba Schizonepetae |
荆芥 |
To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind, and to promote eruptions./Common cold with fever, headache, itchy eye, cough, swelling pain in throat, measles papules, wind papules, swollen welling abscess, sore and scab, throat pain, conjunctivitis, child measles, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, postpartum blood dizziness. |
radix Peucedani |
前胡 |
To dispel wind and remove heat, and to relieve cough and resolve phlegm ./Cough, externally contracted wind-heat, lung heat phlegm depression, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, sticky phlegm, retching counterflow and reduced food intake, fullness and oppression in chest and diaphragm. |
Souliea vaginata |
黄三七 |
To clear heat and eliminate vexation, resolve toxin and disperse swelling./Febrile diseases with vexation and agitation, palpitation and fearful throbbing, steaming bone tidal fever, pharyngitis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, swelling toxin of sore and welling abscess, damp-heat diarrhea, dysentery. |
Cimicifuga nanchuanensis |
南川升麻 |
To clear heat and resolve toxin, course wind and outthrust papules, upbear yang and raise fall./Non-eruption of macula, swelling pain in throat, taxation damage, center qi fall, diarrhea, knocks and falls. |
Cimicifuga asiatica |
累叶升麻; 类叶升麻 |
Valeriana officinalis |
缬草 |
To quiet heart and spirit, dispel wind-damp, move qi- blood, relieve pain./Disquieted heart spirit, palpitation and insomnia, mania and withdrawal, visceral agitation, wind-damp impediment pain, distending pain in stomach duct, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, knocks and falls. |
Cimicifuga racemosa |
总状升麻 |
TCMBANKHE004238/YEM-1014 |
Phellodendron amurense;Cortex Phellodendri|Phellodendron chinense Schneid var.glabriusculum Schneid. |
黄柏|秃叶黄蘗 |
广西黄柏 |
云南民族药物志:第五卷 |
1. To clear heat and dry dampness; 2. To reduce fire and release toxins/Damp-heat dysentery, tuberculosis, epidemic meningitis, acute conjunctivitis, trachoma, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, suppurative hematochezia, tenesmus, jaundice, yellow thick foul leukorrhagia, swelling pain in knees and feet, urinary tract infection, boil, sore, ulcer, eczema, mouth sore, hemorrhoids, burns, scalds, exuberance of fire with tidal fever, tidal fever with night sweat, emission. |
瑶族/壮族 |
TCMBANKHE004806/YEM-268/XU-394 |
Catalpa ovata|Catalpa ovata Don. |
梓白皮|梓木|梓 |
梓木 |
云南民族药物志:第二卷|云南省保山市腾冲市明光镇中塘村 |
To clear heat and disinhibit damp, downbear counterflow and check vomiting, kill worms and relieve itch./Damp-heat jaundice, sore and scab, eczema, itchy skin. |
傈僳族/水族 |
TCMBANKHE002952/YEM-430 |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. |
水苦荬|北水苦荬 |
北水苦荬 |
云南民族药物志:第三卷 |
白族/傈僳族 |
TCMBANKHE005494/YEM-445 |
Fructus Hordei Germitus|Hordeum vulgare L. |
麦芽|大麦 |
大麦 |
云南民族药物志:第三卷 |
To invigo rate the function of the spleen, to regulate the function of the stomach, and to promote the flow of milk./Food accumulation, abdominal distention and diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, inappetence, galactostasis, distending pain in breast. |
佤族/彝族 |
TCMBANKHE005432/YNS-47/YEM-51/XU-527 |
Salvia przewalskii|Salvia przewalskii Maxim.var.mandarinorum(Diels) Stib.|Salvia przewalskii Maxim. |
甘西鼠尾草|褐毛甘西鼠尾|甘西鼠尾 |
大紫丹参|甘西鼠尾 |
云南药材标准:第七册|云南民族药物志:第一卷|西藏昌都市芒康县 |
活血化瘀,通经止痛,清心安神。用于胸痹心痛,心烦失眠,脘腹胁痛,痛经、经闭、产后恶露不尽,风湿痹痛,癥瘕,疮疡肿痛。|See Salvia miltiorrhiza ./See Salvia miltiorrhiza . |
彝族/藏族 |
TCMBANKHE007941/YEM-822 |
Herba Schizonepetae|Schizonepeta tenuifolia(Benth.)Briq. |
荆芥|裂叶荆芥 |
裂叶荆芥 |
云南民族药物志:第四卷 |
To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind, and to promote eruptions./Common cold with fever, headache, itchy eye, cough, swelling pain in throat, measles papules, wind papules, swollen welling abscess, sore and scab, throat pain, conjunctivitis, child measles, spontaneous external bleeding, blood ejection, hematochezia, flooding and spotting, postpartum blood dizziness. |
阿昌族/傣族/德昂族/景颇族/傈僳族/彝族 |
Herba Lobeliae Chinensis|Lobelia chinensis Lour. |
半边莲 |
半边莲 |
云南民族药物志:第一卷 |
To cause diuresis, and to remove toxic heat./Edema, edema and enlarged abdomen, edema in face and foot, swollen welling abscess and clove sores, snake or insect bites. |
阿昌族/傣族/德昂族/景颇族/傈僳族 |