Caesalpinia digyna |
二次陨石 |
Herba Saxifragae |
虎耳草 |
For clearing heat and removing toxic substances/Wind papules, eczema, otitis media, erysipelas, cough with blood ejection, pulmonary welling abscess, flooding and spotting, hemorrhoids. |
Ardisiae japonicae |
矮地茶 |
1. To eliminate phlegm and relieving cough.2. To promote diuresis to deprive dampness. 3. To activate blood circulation and stop bleeding./1. Bergenin, an active comonent, is an expectorant. 2. Its volatile oil or flavone can relieve bronchospasm induced by histamine in vitro. 3. Its decoction inhibits the growth of Pneumococcus, Staphylococcus aureus and influenza virus in vitro. |
Mallotus philippinensis |
吕宋楸毛 |
To kill worms and relieve diarrhea./Taeniasis, ascariasis, oxyuria disease. |
Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis |
钩藤 |
To remove heat, subdue hyperactivity of the liver, and arrest convulsions./Infant fright wind and night crying, exuberant heat stirring wind, epilepsy of pregnancy, liver yang dizziness, liver fire headache. |
Bergenia crassifolia |
厚叶岩白菜 |
To supplement vacuity and stanch bleeding, relieve cough and settle asthma./Dizziness, cough, asthma, blood ejection, hemoptysis. |
连钱草 |
Treatment of acute urinary infection, urolithiasis, acute jaundice, painful swelling in sores and carbuncies, traumatic injuries. |
Ardisia colorata |
有色紫金牛 |
大叶落新妇 |
Astilbe macroflora |
大花落新妇 |
Rodgersia aesculifolia |
木荷 |
To clear heat and transform damp, engender flesh and stanch bleeding./Damp-heat dysentery, chronic diarrhea, white turbidity, vaginal discharge, flooding and spotting, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematochezia, sore toxin, incised wound. |
Astilbe chinensis |
落新妇 |
To dispel wind, clear heat, suppress cough./Wind-heat common cold, headache and generalized pain, cough. |
Symplocos chinensis |
华山矾 |
To clear heat and resolve toxin, transform phlegm and interrupt malaria, free network vessels and relieve pain./Common cold with fever, diarrhea and dysentery, swelling of sores and boils, poisonous snake bites, malaria, pain in sinews and bones, knocks and falls. |
Folium Ginseng |
人参叶 |
To nourish qi and lung, expel summer-heat, to promote fluid secretion./Summerheat-heat and thirst, febrile diseases fluid damage, stomach yin insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, dry cough due to lung dryness, vacuity-fire toothache. |
胡黄连 |
Steaming bone tidal fever due to yin vacuity, night sweating, child gan accumulation, indigestion, abdominal distention and emaciation, dysentery, fever, gastrointestinal damp-heat diarrhea, hemorrhoids. |
radix Peucedani |
前胡 |
To dispel wind and remove heat, and to relieve cough and resolve phlegm ./Cough, externally contracted wind-heat, lung heat phlegm depression, cough and asthma with abundant phlegm, sticky phlegm, retching counterflow and reduced food intake, fullness and oppression in chest and diaphragm. |
Dysosma versipellis [Syn. Podophyllum versipelle ]|Dysosma versipellis (Hance) M. cheng ex Ying |
鬼臼|八角莲 |
八角莲 |
云南药材标准:第一册 |
清热解毒,化痰散结,祛瘀消肿。用于咳嗽,咽喉肿痛,痈肿痔疮,瘰疬,跌打损伤,毒蛇咬伤。|See Dysosma pleiantha./See Dysosma pleiantha . |
TCMBANKHE006105/XU-484/XU-555/XU-767 |
Mallotus japonicus|Mallotus japonicus var. oreophilus |
野梧桐; 梧桐叶|绒毛野桐 |
四川省凉山州会理县 |
To clear heat and resolve toxin, promote contraction and stanch bleeding./Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, hepatitis, hematuria, vaginal discharge, sores, bleeding due to external injury. |
TCMBANKHE005630/YEM-176 |
Bergenia purpurascens|Bergenia purpurascens ( Thoms.) Engl. |
岩白菜 |
岩白菜 |
云南民族药物志:第一卷 |
To enrich and supplement, check vomiting and stanch bleeding./Vacuity with dizziness, taxation damage cough, blood ejection, hemoptysis, strangury-turbidity, vaginal discharge, toxin swelling. |
白族/拉祜族/傈僳族/苗族/纳西族/普米族/佤族/瑶族/藏族/壮族 |
TCMBANKHE004783/YEM-493 |
Ardisia crispa|Ardisia crispa (Thunb.) A. DC. |
百两金 |
百两金 |
云南民族药物志:第三卷 |
To clear heat and disinhibit throat, dispel phlegm and disinhibit damp, quicken blood and resolve toxin./Swelling pain in throat, cough with inhibited phlegm, damp-heat jaundice, dribbling pain of urination, wind-damp impediment pain, knocks and falls, clove sore, innominate toxin swelling, snake bite. |
苗族/瑶族/彝族 |
TCMBANKHE005939/YEM-748 |
Ardisia japonica|Ardisia japonica(Hornst.)Blume |
紫金牛 |
紫金牛 |
云南民族药物志:第四卷 |
To suppress cough, dispel phlegm, quicken blood, disinhibit urine, resolve toxin./Chronic trachitis, hepatitis, acute nephritis, chronic nephritis, tuberculosis and hemoptysis, blood ejection, dysentery, hypertension, mounting qi, taxation damage and strength desertion, aching sinews and bones, toxin swelling. |
阿昌族/傣族/德昂族/景颇族/傈僳族/苗族/瑶族/壮族 |