herba Dianthi |
瞿麦 |
To relieve dysuria, and to stimulate menstrual discharge./Strangury, heat strangury, blood strangury, stone strangury, urinary tract infection, urinary stoppage, dripping with inhibited pain, amenorrhea, carcinoma of esophagus, carcinoma of rectum. |
猫眼草 |
Phlegm-rheum cough asthma, edema, scrofula, scab and lichen, innominate toxin swelling. |
Fructus Citri sarcodactylis |
佛手 |
To regulate the qi of the liver and stomach, and relieve pain./Stomachache, distention in rib-side, vomiting, dysphagia-occlusion, phlegm-rheum cough asthma. |