

疾病名:acute myeloid leukemia with multilineage dysplasia following myelodysplastic syndrome



UMLS_Name:Neoplastic Process









ID 拉丁名 药名 药用植物名 功能与主治 来源 药用部位 使用民族

化合物ID 化合物名 别名 分子式 分子质量 Smiles

靶点ID 基因名 基因别名 描述
TCMBANKGE013884 RMI1 BLAP75; C9orf76; FAAP75 RecQ mediated genome instability 1
TCMBANKGE014583 RTEL1 C20orf41; DKCA4; DKCB5; NHL; PFBMFT3; RTEL regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1
TCMBANKGE003295 GATA2 DCML; IMD21; MONOMAC; NFE1B GATA binding protein 2
TCMBANKGE000171 DNMT1 ADCADN; AIM; CXXC9; DNMT; HSN1E; MCMT; m.HsaI DNA methyltransferase 1
TCMBANKGE000567 CDKN2A ARF; CDK4I; CDKN2; CMM2; INK4; INK4A; MLM; MTS-1; MTS1; P14; P14ARF; P16; P16-INK4A; P16INK4; P16INK4A; P19; P19ARF; TP16 cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A
TCMBANKGE013393 PDCD1LG2 B7DC; Btdc; CD273; PD-L2; PDCD1L2; PDL2; bA574F11.2 programmed cell death 1 ligand 2
TCMBANKGE007799 FLT3 CD135; FLK-2; FLK2; STK1 fms related receptor tyrosine kinase 3
TCMBANKGE000258 EGR1 AT225; G0S30; KROX-24; NGFI-A; TIS8; ZIF-268; ZNF225 early growth response 1
TCMBANKGE006522 HLA-C D6S204; HLA-JY3; HLAC; HLC-C; MHC; PSORS1 major histocompatibility complex, class I, C
TCMBANKGE011756 GAB2 - GRB2 associated binding protein 2
TCMBANKGE011334 CSF3 C17orf33; CSF3OS; GCSF colony stimulating factor 3
TCMBANKGE006769 UHMK1 KIS; KIST; P-CIP2 U2AF homology motif kinase 1
TCMBANKGE006996 CFC1 CFC1B; CRYPTIC; DTGA2; HTX2 cripto, FRL-1, cryptic family 1
TCMBANKGE000262 TBC1D9 GRAMD9; MDR1 TBC1 domain family member 9
TCMBANKGE000204 CXCL8 GCP-1; GCP1; IL8; LECT; LUCT; LYNAP; MDNCF; MONAP; NAF; NAP-1; NAP1; SCYB8 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 8
TCMBANKGE010350 CCR7 BLR2; CC-CKR-7; CCR-7; CD197; CDw197; CMKBR7; EBI1 C-C motif chemokine receptor 7
TCMBANKGE007385 NRAS ALPS4; CMNS; N-ras; NCMS; NRAS1; NS6 NRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
TCMBANKGE000001 CXCR2 CD182; CDw128b; CMKAR2; IL8R2; IL8RA; IL8RB C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 2
TCMBANKGE011010 RUNX1 AML1; AML1-EVI-1; AMLCR1; CBF2alpha; CBFA2; EVI-1; PEBP2aB; PEBP2alpha RUNX family transcription factor 1
TCMBANKGE000940 TERT CMM9; DKCA2; DKCB4; EST2; PFBMFT1; TCS1; TP2; TRT; hEST2; hTRT telomerase reverse transcriptase
TCMBANKGE013338 CTNNA1 CAP102; MDPT2 catenin alpha 1
TCMBANKGE008305 GFI1 GFI-1; GFI1A; SCN2; ZNF163 growth factor independent 1 transcriptional repressor
TCMBANKGE000041 IRF1 IRF-1; MAR interferon regulatory factor 1
TCMBANKGE003065 NXT1 MTR2; P15 nuclear transport factor 2 like export factor 1
TCMBANKGE008240 MSH2 COCA1; FCC1; HNPCC; HNPCC1; LCFS2; hMSH2 mutS homolog 2
TCMBANKGE010825 NUP98 ADIR2; NUP196; NUP96; Nup98-96 nucleoporin 98 and 96 precursor
TCMBANKGE009874 CDKN2B CDK4I; INK4B; MTS2; P15; TP15; p15INK4b cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2B
TCMBANKGE013662 KLRK1 CD314; D12S2489E; KLR; NKG2-D; NKG2D killer cell lectin like receptor K1
TCMBANKGE000290 NQO1 DHQU; DIA4; DTD; NMOR1; NMORI; QR1 NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1
TCMBANKGE001056 KRAS C-K-RAS; C-K-RAS; CFC2; K-RAS2A; K-RAS2B; K-RAS4A; K-RAS4B; K-Ras; K-Ras 2; KI-RAS; KRAS1; KRAS2; NS; NS3; OES; RALD; RASK2; c-Ki-ras; c-Ki-ras2 KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase
TCMBANKGE000264 ABCB1 ABC20; CD243; CLCS; GP170; MDR1; P-GP; PGY1 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1
TCMBANKGE013441 SUB1 P15; PC4; p14 SUB1 regulator of transcription
TCMBANKGE008754 H3P10 p16 H3 histone pseudogene 10
TCMBANKGE001102 MIR21 MIRN21; hsa-mir-21; miR-21; miRNA21 microRNA 21
TCMBANKGE007278 SCT - secretin
TCMBANKGE013969 TRIB1 C8FW; GIG-2; GIG2; SKIP1; TRB-1; TRB1 tribbles pseudokinase 1
TCMBANKGE007284 MECOM AML1-EVI-1; EVI1; KMT8E; MDS1; MDS1-EVI1; PRDM3; RUSAT2 MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus
TCMBANKGE007692 GSTM1 GST1; GSTM1-1; GSTM1a-1a; GSTM1b-1b; GTH4; GTM1; H-B; MU; MU-1 glutathione S-transferase mu 1
TCMBANKGE011881 NPM1 B23; NPM nucleophosmin 1