

疾病名:Angiomyolipoma of kidney

MeSH_Name:Neoplasms; Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications; Male Urogenital Diseases

HPO_Name:Abnormality of the genitourinary system; Neoplasm

UMLS_Name:Neoplastic Process

DO_Name:disease of anatomical entity; disease of cellular proliferation



MeSH_Link:C04; C13; C12

HPO_Link:HP:0000119; HP:0002664


DO_Link:DOID:7; DOID:14566


ID 拉丁名 药名 药用植物名 功能与主治 来源 药用部位 使用民族

化合物ID 化合物名 别名 分子式 分子质量 Smiles

靶点ID 基因名 基因别名 描述
TCMBANKGE001111 KIT C-Kit; CD117; MASTC; PBT; SCFR KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase
TCMBANKGE000973 EGF HOMG4; URG epidermal growth factor
TCMBANKGE000447 TSC2 LAM; PPP1R160; TSC4 TSC complex subunit 2
TCMBANKGE000567 CDKN2A ARF; CDK4I; CDKN2; CMM2; INK4; INK4A; MLM; MTS-1; MTS1; P14; P14ARF; P16; P16-INK4A; P16INK4; P16INK4A; P19; P19ARF; TP16 cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 2A
TCMBANKGE001103 MDM2 ACTFS; HDMX; LSKB; hdm2 MDM2 proto-oncogene
TCMBANKGE001110 OGG1 HMMH; HOGG1; MUTM; OGH1 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase
TCMBANKGE014160 PDGFC FALLOTEIN; SCDGF platelet derived growth factor C
TCMBANKGE000589 CD68 GP110; LAMP4; SCARD1 CD68 molecule
TCMBANKGE000825 CDKN1B CDKN4; KIP1; MEN1B; MEN4; P27KIP1 cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1B
TCMBANKGE010922 RPS6 S6 ribosomal protein S6
TCMBANKGE000280 VIM - vimentin
TCMBANKGE001030 NOTCH1 AOS5; AOVD1; TAN1; hN1 notch receptor 1
TCMBANKGE001106 MTOR FRAP; FRAP1; FRAP2; RAFT1; RAPT1; SKS mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase
TCMBANKGE003195 PDGFRB CD140B; IBGC4; IMF1; JTK12; KOGS; PDGFR; PDGFR-1; PDGFR1; PENTT platelet derived growth factor receptor beta
TCMBANKGE007285 A1BG A1B; ABG; GAB; HYST2477 alpha-1-B glycoprotein
TCMBANKGE013318 PLA2G1B PLA2; PLA2A; PPLA2 phospholipase A2 group IB
TCMBANKGE000109 ACTB BRWS1; PS1TP5BP1 actin beta
TCMBANKGE000860 LGALS3 CBP35; GAL3; GALBP; GALIG; L31; LGALS2; MAC2 galectin 3
TCMBANKGE001160 CD274 B7-H; B7H1; PD-L1; PDCD1L1; PDCD1LG1; PDL1; hPD-L1 CD274 molecule
TCMBANKGE014567 SLC12A3 NCC; NCCT; TSC solute carrier family 12 member 3
TCMBANKGE015038 KRT8 CARD2; CK-8; CK8; CYK8; K2C8; K8; KO keratin 8
TCMBANKGE011185 TESC CHP3; TSC tescalcin
TCMBANKGE001044 RPS6KB1 PS6K; S6K; S6K-beta-1; S6K1; STK14A; p70 S6KA; p70(S6K)-alpha; p70-S6K; p70-alpha ribosomal protein S6 kinase B1
TCMBANKGE001185 PPARG CIMT1; GLM1; NR1C3; PPARG1; PPARG2; PPARG5; PPARgamma peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma
TCMBANKGE001125 IGF1 IGF; IGF-I; IGFI; MGF insulin like growth factor 1
TCMBANKGE000377 MITF CMM8; COMMAD; MI; WS2; WS2A; bHLHe32 melanocyte inducing transcription factor
TCMBANKGE011953 MEN1 MEAI; SCG2 menin 1
TCMBANKGE015037 TSC1 LAM; TSC TSC complex subunit 1
TCMBANKGE008754 H3P10 p16 H3 histone pseudogene 10
TCMBANKGE000696 PKD1 PBP; PC1; Pc-1; TRPP1 polycystin 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting