Compound Summary

  Compound Information


methyl thymyl ether






HBIN035440; HBIN005857; HBIN046402; HBIN002678; HBIN046392; HBIN038132; HBIN008844






SMIT16069; SMIT03159







植物ID 拉丁名 药用植物名 药名 来源 功能与主治 使用民族
TCMBANKHE000543 地椒
TCMBANKHE002542 Fructus Schiandrae 北五味 Treatment of chronic cough and asthma, nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, enuresis, frequent urination, protracted diarrhea, spontaneous sweating, night sweating, impairment of body fluid with thirst, shortness of breath and feeble pulse, diabetes caused by internal heat, palpitation and insomnia./1. Its decoction exerts bacteriostatic effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1:128), Staphylococcus aureus (1:64), Flexner's bacillus (1:32) and typhoid bacillus (1:8) in vitro.2. Schizandrin, one of its active components, can protect the liver from damage.3. Enhancing lymphocyte-blastogenesis rate.4. Cardiotonic and sedative.
TCMBANKHE003718 Flos Chrysanthemi 菊花 To dispel wind-heat, to subdue hyperactivity of the liver, and improve eyesight./Angina pectoris, hypertension, externally contracted wind-heat, wind warmth, fever and headache, dizziness, common cold, red eyes, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of clove sore.
TCMBANKHE003940 Herba Elsholtziae;Haichow Elsholtzia;Mosla chinensis 香薷 1. To promote diaphoresis and release the exterior; 2. To resolve dampness and harmonize the spleen and stomach; 3. To promote water metabolism and release edema/Fever, aversion of cold, headache, absence of sweating, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, edema and inhibited urination, beriberi.
TCMBANKHE007765 覆盆子 Impotence with premature ejaculation, emission, infertility due to uterus cold, frequent urination and enuresis, dizziness and dim vision, premature graying in beard and hair.
TCMBANKHE005773 Herba Lycopodii 伸筋草 To relieve rheumatic conditions and muscular contracture./Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching pain in joints, arthritis, dysmenorrhea, skin numbness, weakness in limbs, jaundice, cough, knocks and falls, sores, zoster, scalds.
TCMBANKHE004095 Semen Sipis 芥子 To relieve dyspnea and cough by eliminating cold-phlegm, to reduce modulation, and to relieve pain by removing the obstruction of collateral./Vomiting with stomach cold, pain in heart and abdomen, lung cold cough, impediment pain, throat impediment, flowing phlegm, knocks and falls.
TCMBANKHE004159 Radix Linderae 乌药 1. To regulate qi and stop pain; 2. To warm the kidneys and dispel cold/Distending pain in chest and abdomen, qi counterflow with rapid asthma, bladder vacuity cold, enuresis and frequent urination, mounting qi , dysmenorrhea.
TCMBANKHE004172 Radix Bupleuri 柴胡 To relieve fever, to soothe the liver, and to cure drooping and ptosis./Common cold, influenza, malaria, acute pancreatitis, pleuritis, neuritis, gastritis, acute cholecystitis, hepatitis, fever due to external contraction, keratitis, cold-heat in turn, liver depression and rib-side pain, mammary distention, dizziness and headache, menstrual disorder, prolapse of rectum due to qi vacuity fall, prolapse of uterus, gastroptosis.
TCMBANKHE005929 Radix et Rhizoma Notopterygii 羌活 To relieve pain and rheumatic conditions./Externally contracted wind-cold, headache without sweating, wind-cold-damp impediment, edema, toxin swelling of sores.
TCMBANKHE004404 Lignum Aquilariae Resitum 沉香 To promote the flow of qi and relieve pain, to arrest vomiting by warming the stomach, and to relieve asthma./Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, qi counterflow with asthma, stomach cold with retching counterflow, vacuity cold in lumbus and knees, vacuity constipation, qi strangury.
TCMBANKHE005168 辛夷 Wind-cold common cold, headache, nasal congestion and runny nose, nasitis, nasosinusitis.
TCMBANKHE005793 Flos Chrysanthemi 菊花 To dispel wind-heat, to subdue hyperactivity of the liver, and improve eyesight./Angina pectoris, hypertension, externally contracted wind-heat, wind warmth, fever and headache, dizziness, common cold, red eyes, red eyes with gall, swelling toxin of clove sore.
TCMBANKHE008001 Valeriana officinalis 缬草 To quiet heart and spirit, dispel wind-damp, move qi- blood, relieve pain./Disquieted heart spirit, palpitation and insomnia, mania and withdrawal, visceral agitation, wind-damp impediment pain, distending pain in stomach duct, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, knocks and falls.
TCMBANKHE008690 Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 陈皮 To regulate the flow of qi, to invigorate the spleen function, to eliminate damp, and to resolve phlegm./Treatment of distension and fullness sensation in the chest and epigastrium with anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea, cough with copious phlegm.
TCMBANKHE007163 Bulbus Lilii 百合 To nourish yin and moisten the lung, and to tranquilize the mind./Yin vacuity enduring cough, phlegm containing blood, fright palpitation and vacuity vexation, insomnia and frequent dreaming, trance.
TCMBANKHE009036 Cacumen et Folium Biotae 侧柏叶 To arrest bleeding by removing heat from blood, and to promote the growth of black hair./Hemoptysis, duodenal bleeding, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, hematuria, hematochezia, blood dysentery, incessant flooding and spotting, cough with profuse phlegm, wind-damp impediment pain, erysipelas, epidemic parotitis, scalds, burns.
TCMBANKHE008975 Bulbus Lilii 百合 To nourish yin and moisten the lung, and to tranquilize the mind./Yin vacuity enduring cough, phlegm containing blood, fright palpitation and vacuity vexation, insomnia and frequent dreaming, trance.
TCMBANKHE007604 Herba Glechomae Longitubae 金钱草 To remove damp-heat, relieve dysuria, and to promote subsidence of swelling./Increasing biliary secretion.
TCMBANKHE007781 Herba Asari 细辛 To dispel wind-cold, to relieve nasal obstruction, to alleviate pain and to remove retained fluid./Wind-cold common cold, influenza, headache, toothache, local anesthesia, nasal congestion, deep-source nasal congestion, wind-damp impediment pain, phlegm-rheum cough asthma.
TCMBANKHE008834 Radix seu Rhizoma rdostachyos 甘松 To regulate the flow of qi and relieve pain, and to invigorate the spleen function./Stomachache, distention fullness in chest and abdomen, headache, hysteria, beriberi.
TCMBANKHE003926/YEM-709 Herba Lycopodii;Lycopodium japonium;Common Clubmoss Herb|Lycopodium japonicum Thunb.ex hwvzay 伸筋草|石松 石松 云南民族药物志:第四卷 To relieve rheumatic conditions and muscular contracture.;Treatment of arthralgia with limited mobility of the joints./Wind-cold-damp impediment, aching pain in joints, arthritis, dysmenorrhea, skin numbness, weakness in limbs, jaundice, cough, knocks and falls, sores, zoster, scalds.;Treatment of arthralgia with limited mobility of the joints. 布依族/傣族/基诺族/傈僳族/苗族/彝族
TCMBANKHE005377/YEM-788 Herba Eupatorii|Eupatorium fortunei Turcz. 佩兰 水泽兰 云南民族药物志:第四卷 To resolve damp, invigorate the function of the spleen and improve appetite by its spicy fragrance, and to expel summer heat from the body surface./Nausea and vomiting, bad breath, drooling, distended head and oppression in chest, sweet-greasy in mouth, summerheat-damp exterior syndrome. 阿昌族/傣族/德昂族/哈尼族/基诺族/景颇族/拉祜族/傈僳族/苗族/彝族

疾病ID 病名 疾病类型 MeSH 参考文献

靶点ID 基因名 基因别名 描述
TCMBANKGE000309 SCN5A CDCD2; CMD1E; CMPD2; HB1; HB2; HBBD; HH1; ICCD; IVF; LQT3; Nav1.5; PFHB1; SSS1; VF1 sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 5
TCMBANKGE000633 ADRB2 ADRB2R; ADRBR; B2AR; BAR; BETA2AR adrenoceptor beta 2
TCMBANKGE000813 DPP4 ADABP; ADCP2; CD26; DPPIV; TP103 dipeptidyl peptidase 4
TCMBANKGE001506 ADRA1B ADRA1; ALPHA1BAR adrenoceptor alpha 1B
TCMBANKGE001943 ADRA1D ADRA1; ADRA1A; ADRA1R; ALPHA1; DAR; dJ779E11.2 adrenoceptor alpha 1D
TCMBANKGE003157 CHRM2 HM2 cholinergic receptor muscarinic 2
TCMBANKGE005535 CHRM1 HM1; M1; M1R cholinergic receptor muscarinic 1
TCMBANKGE006943 CHRM3 EGBRS; HM3; PBS cholinergic receptor muscarinic 3
TCMBANKGE008056 ADRA2C ADRA2L2; ADRA2RL2; ADRARL2; ALPHA2CAR adrenoceptor alpha 2C
TCMBANKGE008124 ADRA2B ADRA2L1; ADRA2RL1; ADRARL1; ALPHA2BAR; FAME2; alpha-2BAR adrenoceptor alpha 2B
TCMBANKGE009256 SLC6A2 NAT1; NET; NET1; SLC6A5 solute carrier family 6 member 2
TCMBANKGE011079 PRSS1 TRP1; TRY1; TRY4; TRYP1 serine protease 1
TCMBANKGE012155 SLC6A3 DAT; DAT1; PKDYS; PKDYS1 solute carrier family 6 member 3
TCMBANKGE014423 ADRA1A ADRA1C; ADRA1L1; ALPHA1AAR adrenoceptor alpha 1A
TCMBANKGE014790 ADRB1 ADRB1R; B1AR; BETA1AR; FNSS2; RHR adrenoceptor beta 1