TCMBank_ID: | |
YNS_ID: | YNS-109
XU_ID: | XU-568
ID: | TCMBANKHE007777/YNS-109/XU-95/XU-568
植物拉丁名: | Gemma Agrimoniae|Agrimonia pilosa Ldb. var. nepalensis (D.Don)|Agrimonia pilosa |
功能与主治: | 止血收敛,调经止痢。用于咯血、吐血,崩漏下血、带下,赤白下痢,痈肿疮毒、脱力劳伤。|To kill tapeworm. Agrimonia bud (Hecaoya) is taken with warm boiled water in the morning before breakfast. The tapeworm should be discharged within five to six hours./To kill tapeworm. Agrimonia bud (Hecaoya) is taken with warm boiled water in the morning before breakfast. The tapeworm should be discharged within five to six hours.
药用植物名: | 鹤草芽;仙鹤草|黄龙尾|龙芽草
药名: | 黄龙尾
来源: | 云南药材标准:第七册|云南省昭通市盐津县
药用部位: | Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.|干燥全草|全株
药味: | Bitter; cool
经络: | Liver; small intestine; large intestine
科: | 蔷薇科
属: | 龙芽草属(百度)
治疗类型: | 驱虫
KUMST_ID2: | KMUST-20240411000120-1
TCM_ID_id: | 1213
TCMSP_id: | 959