TCMBank_ID: | |
YEM_ID: | YEM-296
ID: | TCMBANKHE004484/YEM-290/YEM-296
植物拉丁名: | Radix Oryzae Glutinosae|Oryza sativa L.var. glutinosa Matsum. |
功能与主治: | Treatment of spontaneous perspiration due to deficiency of vital energy, night sweat due to yin-deficiency, or pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic hepatitis and neurasthenia with hectic fever of yin-deficiency type/1. Antisudorific. 2. Insecticidal. 3. Stomachic
药用植物名: | 糯稻根|糯稻
药名: | 糯稻
来源: | 云南民族药物志:第二卷
药用部位: | Oryza sativa L. var. glutinosa Matsum
使用民族: | 白族/傣族/哈尼族/彝族
临床特征: | 1. Antisudorific. 2. Insecticidal. 3. Stomachic
治疗类型: | 收涩
TCM_ID_id: | 6667
TCMSP_id: | 1031